"Felcher???!! From Cranston????!!! YEAH!!" - Lloyd Christmas

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Too Little Blogging

Sorry I haven't been posting much recently. It's just I live in North Dakota and the temperature has been over 50 for the last month which qualifies it as BEAUTIFUL. I do a considerable amount of training, house work, and just general fun stuff outdoors, so that leaves less time for posting.
Let's see, here's the scoop on race stuff:

Sign up early, prices go up 5/25
Bring your kids: free kids duathlon after the big kids are done
Paddlers welcome: Relay teams allowed to kayak/canoe rather than swim
$1k in prize money up for grabs
DJ on course cold kickin' it live!! (Beastie Boyz reference)
Athlete social and packet pick up the night before at Buffalo City Grille
Dad has agreed to bring four grills and cook for everyone the day of the race = FREE FOOD!!!
Free GU and Gatorade
Raffles for stuff like XTERRA shoes and XTERRA Gear gift cards
Oh yeah, I hear the course is frickin RAD!!!
